The word moral shows one character and integrity in keeping the word MORAL intact. Modesty to most people is how one should dress. GOD only know! It's also relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior. Just seeking God on a whole lot of issues and studying. HE showed me some deep things that are correct in how HE broke it down. Only thing ...I can say is when one gets to Heaven it’s going to be so sad because scripture taken out of context missed. You better ask GOD, He will show you and you must either choose HIM or not.

When GOD deals with you on any particular subject, listen and just go with the flow

GOD is truly teaching you something. GOD can even allow you to dress a certain way showing you HE accepts you anyway. Your appearance doesn't say how Holy you are it’s the Spirit of the man who’s wearing the clothing.

Why do you desire the married man, because you can feel superior? Women and Men you can never under estimate the spouse’s intent to have a relationship. If you’re always downing, rejecting, speaking ill-will words to her instead of encouraging consoling and showing affection, you may as well begin to start the separation process. You must understand that women are givers, they give of themselves to the end, until they see that you have no positive response.


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