

My goal is not just as a, Business Coach is to launch you and propel you into your destiny. We MUST understand the importance of being strategically positioned. The blueprint given is for you to climb to where you need to reach. You're a piece to someone's life. SOMEONE is awaiting your arrival. Each piece to your board have a designated area where it need to be placed, make sure you have all your pieces placed where they need to be. YOU MUST MASTER the objective in knowing when to move into position. Conclusion : Many individuals tend to stay in their comfort zone because they're afraid to move out into uncharted territory.  The larger the capacity, the more accountable you are to carry those who you're developing to propel and launch to the next level.

EKingdom Blog

Many times people often talk about leaders working in the marketplace. The Twelve Disciples had jobs too; until Jesus called them off. What makes anyone different? Love what you do and do what you love.  Getting to know me is getting to meet me the person who’s straight up real and transparent. I haven’t always been as blunt and upfront as I am. God has also showed me how to tone down my voice when needed. I’ve heard from so many people on the social network site say that ministers, shouldn’t be working in the secular world if God has called them to preach and teach the Gospel. Many don’t realize when you’re in the natural and don’t have the finances to do what GOD has equipped for you to accomplish; until then you work with what HE has given you.  I believe that you should work until you’re in the position to be in the ministry full-time. And still after you are-utilize the talents that He’s given you to sustain  your household.  Please leave a ...

Unlocked Potential

Its time to walk into your NEXT LEVEL unlocking your potential that resides on the inside of you. Where men/women are coming from all walks of life getting empowered, motivated, refreshed, energized, and restored. We sharpen each other with the Word of GOD; that brings EDIFICATION, STRENGTH and RESTORATION. There's many in distress wanting to overcome every area of their lives, whether it pertains to business, family, ministry, etc...Speaking to those once broken, rejected, and wounded vessels; that want change.   We share at times the struggles we've endured as husband and wife, mother and leader with those who who've experienced the same also. We believe in being transparent in order to propel you into your destiny.  Conclusion: "YOU'RE POTENT with POTENTial"

WHO are your customers

WHAT ARE YOUR HOPES, FEARS, EMOTIONS, GOALS, DREAMS? WHAT INFLUENCE THEIR DECISION.  THESE ARE QUESTIONS THAT MANY FAIL TO ASK THEIR CLIENTS WHEN COACHING THEM.  MANY HAVE NO IDEA WHEN YOU'RE SAYING YOUR A LIFE COACH; THAT YOU'RE HELPING THEM TO PUT THEIR LIFE BACK TOGETHER IN PROPELLING THEM INTO THEIR DESTINY.    Women from all ethnic backgrounds, religions, social, educational have been through a crisis sometime in their life.  Are you able to differentiate what particular area in their life need coaching the most? Understand that when your speaking life into an individual those words are LIFE changing. You “CANNOT” tell them what they want to hear; but you must speak what they need to hearing in getting them on the road to their success.  You as an entrepreneur, regardless of field of business that you're involved must maintain and except your clients for who they are. Your here to train them with the wisdom and knowledge that propelled ...


The word moral shows one character and integrity in keeping the word MORAL intact. Modesty to most people is how one should dress. GOD only know! It's also relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior. Just seeking God on a whole lot of issues and studying. HE showed me some deep things that are correct in how HE broke it down. Only thing ...I can say is when one gets to Heaven it’s going to be so sad because scripture taken out of context missed. You better ask GOD, He will show you and you must either choose HIM or not. When GOD deals with you on any particular subject, listen and just go with the flow GOD is truly teaching you something. GOD can even allow you to dress a certain way showing you HE accepts you anyway. Your appearance doesn't say how Holy you are it’s the Spirit of the man who’s wearing the clothing. Why do you desire the married man, because you can feel superior? Women and Men you can never under estimate the spouse’s intent to ...


Demonstrative affection is an unfathomable and obsessive connection with another individual what may include…divulging in that person information, that’s not even shared mutually with the spouse or significant other. Secrecy involves withholding from a spouse or the one you’re dating, aspects of a relationship with another outside the marriage that may jeopardize the relationship with the spouse or the one you desired to be with. Sexual chemistry is having a sexual attraction to another person, that you know isn’t love but an attractive. It’s about the sex and not the person, nor how they feel. Supportiveness This is the CAREGIVER of the relationship. Supportiveness is the helping hand and heart that each partner offers the other as they live, learn life’s lessons, and continue to grow. When spouses and those dating are supportive of one another, they encourage and assist each other in countless ways. Each believes their spouse or partner is both aware of and sup...


This happens in a relationship when many spouses and those in a sincere and serious relationship are faithful concerning their fidelity, and not bypass erotic or passionate limitations with others outside the marriage relations.   In a marriage of infidelity, this refers to those having special sexual relations with one’s spouse or extramarital affairs. However, many fail to recognize that they can also be emotionally unfaithful. Infidelity has three major working mechanisms that trigger a person in having extramarital affairs and cause someone to commit these heartbreaking reactions that effect other people. They are: Lack of intimacy, No honesty or truthfulness in relationship Sexual attraction interaction with someone other their spouse outside of the marriage. Not delivered from past hurts (major issue) CONCLUSION : Many tend to be attracted to a married individual because it’s a competitive thing, they feel as though the need to be dominate, du...